
Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Ginger is one of the healthiest and tastiest spices known. It is closely related to turmeric; the root or rhizome is the part of the plant eaten. The bioactive ingredient gingerol  provides antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Ginger can be fed fresh, ground, dried, or added to meals. In Chinese Medicine, ginger is considered to be a Qi tonic (energy) and is warming, helping the body to warm from within. Personally, I've been gulping ginger tea all winter.

Ginger is highly effective for treating nausea and upset stomach. It warms and soothes the bowel and is often used to combat motion sickness and nausea associated with chemotherapy. Ginger is a "Qi Tonic", which means it provides energy, or Qi, to the body. One effect is improved gastric emptying, which moves the food through the bowels and decreases discomfort and bloating after eating. This effect reduces acid reflux and the associated discomfort. Ginger stimulates production of saliva and bile, helping digest food more efficiently.

Ginger extract can inhibit the growth of bacteria and has proven to be very beneficial for treating cases of stomatitis and gingivitis. There are some indications of antiviral activity as well.

Studies have shown ginger to be effective in decreasing muscle and joint pain associated with exercise and osteoarthritis, allowing patients to decrease the amount of medication needed. The anti-inflammatory effects can help with any inflammatory disease process in the body.

Ginger can help lower and stabilize blood sugar in diabetes, which may help decrease insulin requirements.

High cholesterol and triglycerides are often seen in certain breeds, like Schnauzers, and can also be associated with low thyroid function or hypothyroid disease. Studies have shown significant reductions in cholesterol and triglycerides in animals and humans fed ginger.

Early studies have indicated that gingerol may help prevent or combat some forms of cancer, specifically pancreatic, mammary, colon, prostate, and ovarian cancer. Additional studies are needed to confirm mechanisms of action.

For older pets with cognitive dysfunction (dementia), ginger has been shown to improve reaction time and working memory in people and helps protect against age-related decline in brain function. The same could hold true for senior pets.

Ginger is soothing and helps decrease mucous production, which is great for treating coughs, colds, and sinus infections. Animals can be given ginger tea, which most of them enjoy.

Ginger also contains beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid, curcumin, and salicylate, all of which contribute to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant functions.

I add ginger to every home-made meal I make for my pets. I also grate fresh ginger for them daily. 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon for my 15 to 25 pound dogs keeps them fit and healthy, along with fresh, wholesome foods.

Don't overlook the superpowers of ginger!

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