This photo was taken by me. It is piece of Acana Duck and Bartlett Pear kibble. A pet owner gave me this piece of kibble after she poured it from her new bag of food. Since starting this bag of food, her dog has had diarrhea. Even though she stopped feeding the food after a few days, the dog has continued to have diarrhea and is on week two, even with a bland diet. Her pet is being seen by a veterinarian. The food has not had further testing yet, so we don't know if there is a problem with the food that is causing the diarrhea. I have asked her to report this to the pet food company. However, this piece of kibble contains a green piece of plastic. It is embedded in the kibble. I'm pretty sure plastic is not in the ingredient list. What's up Acana?

This photo was taken by someone else two weeks ago. It is ProPlan Adult Shredded Blend Chicken and Rice Formula kibble that contains pieces of metal. When questioned, Purina's answer was "this happens sometimes in factories, machines break and things get into the food". How often does machinery break? Since Purina is owned by Nestle, does this make you wonder what ends up in the products we eat or feed our children? The UPC code on the bag of kibble is UPC #38100 13059.
Yuck! I will stick to home cooking.